Monday 3 November 2008

What the frig?

I really dont understand...

if you click on the search icon in the shop, it will have a blank space where it says if you scroll over it) Bisou.

What the frig?!

I dunnooo....



Monday 27 October 2008

Oh Dear...

She has been messed up for days now...
So, if you could donate anything we would appreciate it ;]
Visit her! Its fuckin awesome!!
Here are some pictures:

The first random thing you might see in her suite.

Her guest book comments include:

'Someone hit you by a car?'

'Why is she broken?'

'Its funny :D'

'Why are you all diranged?'

You need to go to ER!'


How odd...

No name?
How odd....

Au Revoir :]

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Half term is coming!


Oh and i am excited but sad...



My friend ellie is coming round in the morning, then we are going ice skating, then trick or treatin and then shes sleeping over and we are gonna eat ALL THE CANDY!! ;]


I wont be able to see my nerd!
I lurrvv him! :]

Bubi for noooooowwww!!

Saturday 4 October 2008

Why I am a scene queen, for comp.

This blog entry is for club Scene's comp on

Ok, here goes...

10 reasons:

1.My hair is radd.

2.My idol is Audrey Kitching.

3. I LURRVV emo boys, excpesically Alex Evans... :]

4.I am my own person, people can stare and laugh, or talk bout me, or say nasty stuff, I dont really care.

5.I would rather be different than normal :]

6. Normal person:"Your too different." Me to them: "Your to normal." :]

7.I adore getting ready in the morning :]

8.If my hair feels like straw, and sticks up, its perfect :]

9.Hello Kitty is my life.

10. I be a soup can, label me up baby!


P.s 11 and 12, oh, and 13 :]

11.I be Laura Lightning!

12.I be a pirate Arr/a leg-eating girraffe :]

13. I look like this :::

Hope you liked my entry!
"This is me, and I don't care what anyone thinks."
"Weird, dorky, nerd-like, stupid, ugly.... different"

By Laura Lightning.


Yeah, okay....

What the heck?!

Free dresses...

They are giving them out like theres no tommorow.


There is one catch...

You have to buy stardollars...

Is POOR?!!

I dont know... but i have just got ANOTHER message getting a "exclusive dress" though, stardoll didnt realise that they opened the STAR BAZAR... You could prob go there now, then buy one for like 1-60 stardollars.

Thats what i am doing... :]

Its caz i be cooool :D

Here are pictures of the past free dresses, and the present.

These are all messages that just I have recieved... lol.


So, yeah...

A lesson to learn:

Dont waste your phone credit buying these dresses, buy them in the bazar :]

Bye bye now!


New hair!

Ok, exciting, isn't it?

Here they beeee:::

Well, i Lurrvv the bun with the side fringe, its lush.

I dont really like the others, they are a bit weird lol.

Here is the link for the bigger picture::

So, yeah, bad news time...

You can only get the top two at 5500 starpoints, and the bottom two at 6000 points :[

Dang, i am only at 1958 :[

O's well's.

I am hungry, bye! :]


Friday 3 October 2008

Me, newer.

Ok, the other pic was older,... this one is new!!!


*sings* Yippie, woo hoo, yeehaa!!

We have just got our eleventh post folks! :]

Also, if you are superstar, you will get a randomly FREE DRESS!! Yay!

Ok Here I am,

Once again,

*shout sings* FALLING TO PEICES!! ;]


Well, there I am, oooo!! and my pink camera :]


Kool Beans too yhor Motherrr!! ;]




Au Revoir!
